Live Music
Live Music at the Lodge
Featuring award-winning entertainers bringing the magic of music to our guests, up close and personal! Lodge Geneva National guests are treated to live music every Friday and Saturday from 7-10pm.
1/3: Scott Huffman
1/4: Geoff Howard - hits from today and yesterday
1/10: Don Wiggins - classic rock
1/11: Michael Woelfel - 90’s rock/alternative
1/17: Don Wiggins - classic rock
1/18: Scott Huffman
1/24: Geoff Howard - hits from today and yesterday
1/25: Chris Kohn - folk‐rock inspired
1/31: Mike Woelfel - 90’s rock/alternative
Live Music at the Clubhouse
The outdoor Paloma Cantina bordering the one-acre Dance Floor putting course will feature live music every Thursday night 6-9pm during the summer season. The Cantina serves up a quick and casual dining and drink menu plus picturesque course and lake views. Open to GN Members, hotel guests and the public.
Stay tuned for the 2025 line-up.